popular wellness bundles

These 100% natural, healthy supplements for cats are formulated by veterinarians to support the healing process from a number of conditions. Use these supplements together with recommended treatments by your vet to provide complete holistic care for your cat.
These wellness kits are a combination of nutritional supplements for your cats specifically formulated to support healing of that condition.
Cat Wellness Kits
When you purchase a wellness bundle for your cat, you will receive a complete care system, along with detailed instructions and information on what each cat nutritional supplement does. Our pet experts are also here to help answer questions and offer any guidance and support along the way.
- Ingredients - A breakdown of all the beneficial properties.
- Dosage - The correct dose is determined by using your cat’s weight
- Administering - How to give the supplement to your cat, and tricks for feeding it to finicky cats
- Directions for Best Results - The support your cat needs may change with any given diagnosis. Here are tips for administering these specific nutritional supplements to your cat.
- Storage- Because NHV products contain no artificial preservatives, supplements must be refrigerated after opening.
- Cautions and Contraindications - This section applies to conditions such as pregnancy or nursing. NHV supplements are safe to be given along with any vet prescribed medications.
NHV Natural Pet Products is your source for premium quality nutritional supplements for cats. Our goal is to help your cat live a longer and healthier life. For any questions or concerns, ask the experts at NHV.