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Powerful Thyroid Support

Hypothyroidism in dogs is caused by an underactive thyroid gland resulting in a decreased production of thyroid hormones.

Dogs with hypothyroidism will need treatment for life. If you suspect that your pet may have hypothyroidism, a vet visit is highly recommended. Your vet will be able to conduct the required blood work to diagnose the condition.

Support with 100% Natural Supplements

These supplements for hypothyroidism in dogs together with diet and natural treatment prescribed by your veterinarian can significantly improve their health. Dietary supplements such as Thyro UP can be used as part of a holistic support plan for support if your pet is diagnosed with canine hypothyroidism. These supplements help maintain thyroid function, can improve your dog’s energy level, as well as support weight management and metabolism.

Call our pet expert hotline for free at 1-877-937-4372 or ask our pet experts online about the best supplements to take.

About Canine Hypothyroidism

Two of the hormones the thyroid produces are T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4(thyroxine). Both of these hormones affect the metabolic rate of the body. T4 assists with many functions including metabolizing food, growth, muscle, bone, heart, cognition, and immunity.

It is believed that 95% of hypothyroidism in dogs is caused by the autoimmune condition known as autoimmune thyroiditis, which is an inflammation of the thyroid gland due to its destruction by the body. The other cause could be a tumor of the pituitary gland.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Dogs

The signs and symptoms may vary in pets with hypothyroidism, but often, your dog may show one or more of the following signs:

Excessive shedding, dry skin, infections Weight gain without an appetite increase
Lethargy - lack of interest in walks, exercise, and play Intolerance to cold - looking to lie in a warm place
Depression and aggressive behavior Anxiety
Seizures Infections
Slow heart rate  

Most Commonly-Affected Dogs

Canine hypothyroidism is commonly detected in middle-aged dogs between the ages of 4 - 10 years. It can affect any breed of dog however it is rare in toy breeds. Dog breeds most affected are:

Golden retriever Dachshund Doberman Pinscher
Irish Setter Cocker Spaniel Miniature Schnauzer
Airedale Terrier Labrador Retriever Shetland Sheepdog
Greyhound Scottish Deerhound  

Fortunately, vet-recommended treatments and natural supplements for dogs with hypothyroidism can help with this health condition.

Treatment Approaches for Hypothyroidism in Dogs

The common allopathic treatment approach uses a synthetic hormone called Thyroxine. However, over time, the thyroid gland will stop producing the hormone on its own due to the gland feedback system indicating there is no need to manufacture it since the synthetic hormone is now taking over.

Additional Support

Never attempt to diagnose your dog on our own. Your vet will be able to perform the required test for a diagnosis, as well as suggest additional natural treatments for dogs with hypothyroidism.

A low-fat diet would be beneficial to a dog that has hyperthyroidism. Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage should not be fed in large quantities to pets with canine hypothyroidism as it can reduce the production of the thyroid hormone.

The levels of TSH, fT3 and fT4 remained unchanged following broccoli sprouts ingestion, which was even found to have a protective effect against sulfadimethoxine induced thyroid damage.

Support with NHV Natural Pet Products

At NHV the health and wellness of your dog is our highest priority. Our proprietary & full-spectrum blend of organically grown herbs provide excellent preventative support for health conditions such as hypothyroidism. If you are unsure of which product is right for your pet, you can always ask the experts at NHV online.

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