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Alaskan Malamute


Overview of Alaskan Malamute

What dog can withstand -70 degrees, will 'woo' when happy, and was the inspiration for the name Indiana Jones and Han Solo's sidekick Chewbacca in the Star Wars movies? An Alaskan Malamute - that's who! These dogs are like the Clydesdales of the great white north; they get along great with their pack and possess massive endurance. Perhaps the oldest sled dogs in existence, the ancestors of Alaskan Malamutes were believed to be descendants of the domesticated wolf-dogs who travelled with Paleolithic hunters about 4,000 years ago (from the Bering straight land bridges into North America). These impressive pooches were first discovered hunting and working alongside the Mahlemiut Inuit people of Alaska. Often mistaken for a Siberian Husky, the two dogs share coat colors and patterns, but the similarities end there. Huskies are racers, while Malamutes are freighters. With their sizeable wolf-like body, black-pigmented skin (to protect from UV glare off ice) and snowshoe-like paws, the Alaskan Malamute is particularly suited for anything arctic. On average, these dogs weigh between 75-100 lbs and come in agouti, silver, gray, blue, black, seal, sable, red and white.

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for Alaskan Malamute

Hip Dysplasia:

Is an inherited disease that causes hip joints to form improperly and leads to arthritis. Alaskan Malamutes commonly suffer from hip dysplasia.

Recommendations for Hip Dysplasia in Alaskan Malamute Dogs:

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for Alaskan Malamute

Diabetes (Mellitus):

Any breed can be affected by diabetes, but Alaskan Malamutes have an above average incidence. Dogs with diabetes are unable to regulate blood sugar. Symptoms include increased appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, and possible weight loss. With the right care plan, any dog with diabetes can live a long and happy life.

Recommendations for Diabetes (Mellitus) in Alaskan Malamute Dogs:

Common Health Conditions & Recommendations for Alaskan Malamute


Occurs when the body doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone. Alaskan Malamutes can be especially prone to this condition. Signs can include dry skin and coat, hair loss, susceptibility to other skin issues, weight gain, fearfulness, or other behavioral changes. It is recommended to test for this condition annually.

Recommendations for Hypothyroidism in Alaskan Malamute Dogs:



Alaskan Malamutes are loyal, affectionate, playful dogs who want lots of space to play and romp around (especially in cooler climates!) These powerful pooches do well in active households because of their high exercise needs. They are highly intelligent and stubborn so start training early, especially in families with small children. Malamutes would do incredibly well with pet parents interested in arctic exploration or ice sports like skijoring. If you plan to have an Alaskan Malamute in a hot or humid environment, make sure to provide adequate shade, hydration, and depending on where you live, you may want to consider getting air conditioning. Please pay special attention to their coat, it requires daily brushing, and they shed heavily twice a year. Despite their thick weather-sealed coat, it is not recommended to shave an Alaskan Malamute, especially in hot weather. This will create more health issues; their fur protects them from the heat and the cold. Get this dog if you want a loyal team player who wants to explore the great white north with you!

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