
free shipping over $100 (USA & Canada)

1-877-937-4372 the pet expert hotline

free shipping over $100 (USA & Canada)

International Shipping

We ship international orders with DHL Express services. We have happy customers all over the world, from Australia to the UK and everywhere in between.


It is the responsibility of you the importer to find out if the imports of dietary supplements are allowed into your country of residence.  Certain countries prohibit the import of some products. NHV Natural Pet Products takes no responsibility for knowing the import regulations and laws of different countries.  As a customer it is your responsibility to check with the Customs Office in your country.  Please check with your Customs office prior to placing an order.

All VAT (Value Added Tax), duty and other taxes are the responsibility of you the importer.  As you are responsible for any VAT, duty and taxes it is best that you check with your Customs office for the rates if applicable.

We will only charge you for the products you purchase and the shipping cost.  Any additional charges (VAT, duty and other taxes) involved in the import of the products to your country are your responsibility.

If a package is seized by Customs in your country we will not reimburse you for the product cost or shipping charges. This is beyond our control and is why we ask that you check with your Customs office prior to ordering any products.

All shipments will be sent with standard paperwork.  This will contain a commercial invoice that will show the items ordered, quantity, product value and shipping charges.  Where possible for a description of package contents on the Customs form, we will state “Food Supplements for Personal use only”

NOTE: International orders, outside of USA and Canada, are not covered in the return policy and are therefore nonreturnable and nonrefundable.

Should you have any questions please emails us at 
Tel: 604 629 4775
Fax: 604 629 4779

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