Lymphoma Support For a Pitbull Mix

"Our female PitBull Lab mix was diagnosed with stage 5 Lymphoma about a month ago. She was in pretty rough shape and chose to treat with [pharmaceutical named removed] and Lymphoma Gold. The Lymphoma caused her to develop diabetes and for a few weeks was wondering if we would ever get it under control again. But she has been on Lymphoma Gold for 12 days now and we have seen a significant improvement since she started. Her energy level has nearly doubled from before and she is acting more like herself than ever before. No clue how long she may, have they gave her 4 months tops, but this product is a must! She goes in for a checkup end of the week and that will confirm I believe, that she is doing much better than expected. Thank you for a great product. This has given us time I was afraid we would not have with her! I cannot thank you enough!"
"I left a review prior but this is an amazing update. Our 9 year old Pit/Lab mix went in for her 1 month checkup after being diagnosed with stage 5 Lymphoma. She was given just 2 to 4 weeks to live if we did nothing. We went ahead with the minimal treatment the vet could offer and immediately ordered lymphoma gold after reading the reviews. 1 month later and her white cells are in the normal range as was the rest of her blood work and no swelling of any lymph nodes at all! Vet was completely amazed at her condition and at her recovery, Since a month ago she was in really rough shape. No one expected her numbers to be back to normal! Not only are her numbers all good she is acting like a puppy again in many aspects. If you are going through a diagnosis of lymphoma or any type of cancer or health issue please do not hesitate to order these products! You will not be sorry and your dog or cat will thank you! Time will tell how long this will buy her but I know this the time it does buy her will be quality time! Instead of waiting and hoping our other pit-bull doesn’t get sick we are being proactive and are starting him on the road to solid Heath with some of the other products offered here. We are 1000 percent customers for life. You have been able to back up everything you say and that’s rare these days! Thank you, Thank You, Thank You. We Told the vet and techs about Lymphoma Gold Support and urged them to tell their clientele about this when they give a diagnosis like this." - Rob