Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats

"Super delighted and relieved, both household and furry family member, to have discovered NHV and all its natural goodness! We were in crisis and hope was dwindling quickly. Fortunately, miraculously in the din of night, the link appeared and off we went. Our elixers arrived in no time and we adopted the daily regimen, feeling much better immediately. Today, a month in, we’re doing well and have kept going. Very grateful for your research, compassion and development of a wonderful line of gentle but potently effective products. Thanks and blessings
Our feline is currently taking Tripsy, Milk Thistle, Turmeric, and has tried Yucca; mostly the first three in rotation with emphasis on Tripsy for CKD. We are looking forward to trying the Petomega. Btw, we (us people in the house) also take similar tinctures to supplement our diet."
- Kameron