NHV Mellit keeping diabetes at bay

"We went to the vet again, to get his blood sugar checked. He is doing great (drinking less, lost weight, almost no more vomiting; and still loving his NHV blends) but he needs to up the insulin from 1.5 to 2 units twice a day.
We are hopeful we almost reached a stable level now. We’ll know in two weeks time.
Little Dude’s Dad was amazed at how good and healthy Spook looks. Especially his shiny fur that used to be a tad greasy and rather dull. The weight loss will also make a big difference in his blood sugar and kidney values – but I have no doubt the blends are doing their mojo. He just hates the wait between blends and actual dinner."
@thirzameta (Instagram) and @patchesseesall (Twitter)