Shiva Fighting intestinal lymphoma

"It’s painful to describe how very, very, very sick Shiva was. She was either not eating anything whatsoever or throwing up if she did. Her weight dropped to five pounds, she looked like a skeleton with fur and spent 100% of the time in the meatloaf, pain position hiding under the bed.
We spent the next three months getting up three and four times a night to feed her and driving back from work in the middle of the day to feed her again in an effort to get as much nourishment into as we could, praying every time we woke up or came home that she was still alive. We made sure one of us was at home every evening and all weekend and never left her alone longer than three hours. Paul was medicating her morning and night with [vet prescribed medications], mushrooms and three different herb and vitamin liquids.
Shiva is fat and happy. Eating enthusiastically, bugging us to take her outside for supervised walks . . . or runs as you saw in the short video . . . or sprints up a tree."
- Kelly