Papucho with a collapsed trachea

"with such joy we bring you wonderful news it's been 1 month since my sweet 16 year old senior baby boy started hes journey with all natural meds from @nhvnaturalpet prior to this 1 year n half ago my baby was suffering from he's trachea being collapsed forward to about 2 months ago he started having complications coughing really bad to the point he would collapse we rushed him to the vet test where done and we got such bad news he's trachea had worsen he's lungs where filled with fluid he's heart enlarged also a slight heart murmur showing signs of hes liver and pancreas damaged we where devastated vet put him on medication that turned him into a zombie like a vegetable we knew this was not a quality of life we wanted for him he had stopped eating as well we didn't want to put him down but we didn't want him to suffer either we didn't know what to do until our wonderful friend @_kittysunshine_recommended @nhvnaturalpet they have been amazing to us answered all our questions and concerns so quickly he's been taking milk thistle for he's liver combined with hearty heart for he's heart and resp aid for he's respiratory system all these natural meds combined have been like a miracle to us we saw results within the first week now a month later our baby boy is back to hes old self he still has a cough but nothing like before its really minimal he also gained he's appetite again he loves to play he's a happy baby again this is the quality of life that he deserves thank you so much to @nhvnaturalpet for providing him with that" - Cynthia