Appetite Support For Charlie

"Charlie is 15 and was just diagnosed with early kidney disease. We already had a holistic remedy for his kidneys but the problem was he wasn't eating enough or all of his food to even get the drops in his food. He was starting to really lose weight and become skin and bones. Besides that, he's always been incredibly fussy.
Well I did a little research on appetite stimulants and didn't like the sounds of the pharmaceuticals and their side effects. But then I found this yucca product. But he's not eating so how do we get him to take it? I started giving him the kidney med and the yucca via oral syringe.
Slowly but surely we have seen a return of his appetite. Even better, his kidneys have returned to normal, although still on the high side of normal. I really do think this product has helped our little guy get his appetite back. Sometimes his hunger surprises us!" - Margaret