Breathing Support for Yoda

"It turns out my Yoda, like many small dogs, was born with a floating trachea, which caused him to snort and honk sometimes when gasping for air. Yida has very short legs and lives his life very close to the ground. Now that he is 12 years old, he has developed bad asthma due to all of that gasping and inhaling quantities of dirt and allergens, as we live in the country. That gasping and inhaling of dirt and debris has also led to him suffering several bouts of pnuemonia. The vet wanted to put Yoda on [pharmaceutical name removed] and other asthma meds for the rest of his life, which would have been shortened by the side effects of those meds which include immune suppression, never a good thing, especially in a senior dog. But with the Asthma Kit, Yoda can live a relatively normal life. I do supplement with echinacea and goldenseal as well, and the results have bern nothing short of miraculous. Yoda does not spend each night choking and gasping for air, which means both he and I can get some much needed rest. My fur baby is much happier and more active than I have seen him in years, and has not had another pneumonia. I am very grateful that I found this product." - April