Luna's Asthma Relief

"My asthmatic cat has been taking Resp-Aid for the last couple of years. While I still have to give her daily [pharmaceutical name removed], it has helped keep her dosage low. Her asthma is quite bad, and I was advised I could double the dosage (of Resp-Aid) which seems to have helped the most. I've also tried adding in the Stimmune at one point, then about a year later I tried the Alge-X. I can't say either one have made much of an impact compared to the Resp-Aid, though I have not tried them both at the same time. I'm considering trying out the Nature's Immuno to see if it can help bolster the work of the Resp-Aid. I'd rather not give more than two tinctures at once as it's a lot of liquid to give her directly (she's too finicky with food to eat it mixed with something). Only wish is that they would make a extra strenth/higher concentrated version so I could have less liquid to give. Happy with the products though I'm not sure I've dialed in the right mix of formulas to help her best. Would love to take her off the [pharmaceutical name removed], but if I can at least keep the dosage as low as possible I'm happy." - Madelynne