Managing Nikko's Lump

"I found a tiny lump on my fluffy daughter Nikko. At first I thought it might be a flea bite, so I washed her up, but had an off feeling that I should keep track of it. So I did, and to my dismay it grew over the next few days instead of healing and receding like a flea bite. My little Nikko is a 7lb pomeranian/shizu mix, and she's getting along in her years. I'm ready for surgery if it comes to that, but I wanted to try something natural that wouldn't put such strain and trauma on her. So before I made an appointment for surgery I started hunting throughout the internet and eventually found this site. Looked at the products and decided to go with the 4 pack cancer kit which is about $150ish. I was already prepared to drop a couple grand for her surgery, and decided if this product worked or helped my Nikko even a little bit, it'd be worth it. Bought it, tried it. The tumor stopped growing. I'm trying to get her off of kibble and am now cooking for her and her sister. I add the drops after I've cooked and let their food cool down, as to not change or degrade the efficacy of the product. Sort of how a lot of nutritional value in vegetables, like their vitamins and minerals, gets destroyed from heat when you cook them. It hasn't been very long since I started her on her new diet, and hopefully I see a reversal and the tumor disappear. If not, I'll schedule her surgery. Still, stopping my Nikkos tumor from growing and getting worse, that's still a plus in my book. I hope this review helps whoever reads it. Good luck to you and your family, and God bless." - Samuel