Natural Support for Dog's With Cushing's Disease

"My little morkie, 11.6 pounds from 8 pounds has had a not so good time lately. He started to be very thirsty, pee more and be very hungry. He never ate his entire meal before and now he can't get enough food. He also developed at tummy bloat and was not walking as much as he did before. His vet said it was most likely cushings disease but his urine test came back negative. They wanted to do another test and being as my little guy has never been apart from me, ever (he is 10) I couldn’t put him through an eight hour test in the clinic and being probed and jabbed for 8 hrs, the test would have been to much for him. We decided to order these two supplements as the reviews were very positive. He has been on these two supplements for 2 weeks now and we are seeing some improvements. His water consumption is down from 3 bowls to 1-2 and he is not peeing so much anymore. His tummy is less bloated but still not where I want it to be. He seems more active with maybe a walk a week being 1 hr and 1/2 (this use to be daily) but the weather in Toronto has been very cold so hard to tell. His food intake is much better as he doesn’t race to his bowl and devour all his food so fast. He is leaving some food down and getting to it later on. He is very picky with new tastes but doesn’t seem too bothered by these drops. I gave then to him straight from the dropper just before a meal. I’m hoping after another couple of weeks he will be back to normal but I am happy with these small steps. I will give another update in a couple of weeks." - Joesy