Natural Support for Lily's IBS
"We adopted a kitten during the Summer of 2020 and named her Lily. From the start, she had digestion issues and so began the many vet visits and many tests. We treated her early for parasites and every test after that came back normal. Her main issue is there would be be blood in her stool. Sometimes her stool looked normal and sometimes it was loose, but often both showed signs of blood. After all the normal tests results, the Vet determined she had IBS and we would need to be careful with her diet for her life time. Even with buying the grain-free/easy to digest food, it was still hit or miss with the blood in her stool. Thank goodness for social media. I follow @Wolfgang2242 on Instagram and he recommended NHV Natural Pet Products so I came to this page to see if there was something to help Lily. Within one week of using Plantaeris we stopped seeing the blood. I love that this product is safe for long time use. I took the bottle to Lily’s last Vet visit and the doc gave it an enthusiastic thumbs up and said she would recommend the same product for other cats and dogs suffering from IBS. THANK YOU NHV Natural Pet Products for what you do! I cannot say enough good things about your products, the shipping and your customer service." - Jennifer