Olie With Oronasal Cancer

"My 14-year old male cat, Olie, was diagnosed with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma on March 24th, 2020. He was given two weeks to live. I am so glad to say that it's been 6 weeks already and he's still with me. It hasn't been easy though. I adopted him at the age of 2, since I've known him he has had feline herpes. Which basically just meant that he would have thick mucus and sneeze a lot when he was stressed. Not sure if that played any part in the development of his cancer. Within one week of his diagnosis he had stopped eating and could barely walk, he couldn't even make it to the litterbox that day so he peed on the floor. That was the same day ES-Clear arrived and I almost sent it back because that day I really thought was his last. Miraculously he made it to the next day, but still wasn't eating and didn't eat anything for more than 4 days straight. I didn't know what to do. The cancer had caused an oronasal fistula (a hole) in the roof of his mouth, which is directly connected to his nasal cavity, making it even more difficult for him to eat anything, as his usual wet food he would just sneeze out his nose. Finally, I came up with a solution that worked. I started feeding him pieces of raw beef about 1-2 cm big so they wouldn't get stuck in his fistula. He devoured it!!! I cried with relief that day. I had also started using ES-Clear and Stimmune a couple days before that break-through. For anyone who has a cat with a similar condition (I scoured the internet for advice for cats with both OSCC and oronasal fistulas and couldn't find anything), I recommend feeding your cat pieces of raw beef and salmon. I also give him boiled chicken skin and cooked turkey meat because he seems to love those too. He's not totally back to normal, and never will be, but at least he won't die of starvation and I do believe that the NHV products have been helping to stop the rapid spread of the cancer! Nothing can be done for his fistula, unfortunately. My cat and I are U.S. Americans, but we live in Germany now and the NHV were very kind with giving me advice for Olie and told me about their partner natureangel.co.uk for their customers in Europe. The shipping took only 5 days to get here from the U.K., even in these hard times of COVID-19. The silver-lining of this is that I now have way more time to spend with my Olie. Thank you so much for your amazing support and life-saving products!" - Sarah