Supporting a Kitty's Constipation

"My cat is about 13 years old. She has shown signs of chronic constipation off and on for over a year. During that time period, we made many vet visits (including a hospitalization), administered enemas, gave a stool softener daily and a motility medication occasionally, along with a new prescription food and a Metamucil supplement. She would typically pass stool consistently for about a month or more and then would experience a week or so of constipation issues. Very recently, I had reached a point of extreme frustration, and so had she, and was strongly considering euthanizing her. She was uncomfortable and less active than she had ever been, and I felt very guilty. I decided after some research to try the NHV Maris drops. My cat has been taking the NHV Maris drops on her wet food for the past three weeks. I can visibly see significant improvements! She passes stool on her own every day or every other day. Her stool has excellent consistency as well. She has higher energy levels and is more active overall. Additionally, her abdomen is less bloated. She is doing really great, and I've chosen not to euthanize her after seeing how well she is doing. I have continued to keep her on her prescribed pet food and Metamucil supplement. I no longer give her any stool softeners. And, I wish I had tried NHV Maris sooner!" - Meredith