Supporting Furghas through FIP

"Our 3 year old Ragdoll Furghas had slowly stopped eating and was suddenly down to skin and bones. The vets scans showed a strange mass in his tummy which they could not diagnose. Blood tests and samples of the mass ruled out cancer and lymphomia so they were beginning to suspect corona virus and FIP but could not be sure without exploritory surgery and even then were not hopeful that they could do anything. That was when i went online and found NHV and bought the FIP pack and the Virus pack and Tumeric. It was a long week coercing him to eat just enough to survive while we waited for the products to arrive. Now 10 days later he has steadily improved and has his appetite back and is starting to stalk birds again and yesterday was even back to playing.I am not quite sure which products to keep him on long term but thinking maybe FELIMM, NATURES IMMUNO and TUMERIC. I guess as a pedigree Ragdoll he is a delicate breed meant to be indoors but he loves to stalk birds, frogs and lizards in the garden so may always be a bit susceptible to viruses and we need to keep his immunity strong in future." - Walter