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Sign up as a wholesaler

Are you interested in carrying or selling herbal pet products from a brand that is globally recognized? We have distributors, wholesalers, veterinary offices, groomers, pet stores and other pet specialty sellers in various countries. If you are interested, please reach out by filling out the form below to apply for a wholesale account.

NHV Natural Pet Product or “NHV” offers a made in Canada line of proprietary, vet formulated, herbal botanical dietary supplements, designed to optimize a pet’s health. The NHV line of herbal supplements was developed through extensive research and formulated by a holistic veterinarian and master herbalist, who have 50 years of combined experience in animal health and plant-based remedies. The manufacturing facility is a state-of-art GMP and FDA approved facility. NHV continues to conduct clinical studies with the University of Georgia, University of Saskatchewan and the University of Calgary. This research has been presented at various conferences globally. We export our products globally.

  • All NHV products are 100% natural, human-grade herbal supplements that are free of any added preservatives, additives, flavorings or artificial color.
  • Highly palatable liquid-based supplement made with non-GMO vegetable glycerin, is safe for long term use and is easy to administer by just adding to the pet’s food or favorite treat.
  • Ingredients that are organic or ethically wild crafted and sourced from trusted suppliers in North America, Europe, and India.
  • A full spectrum line of supplements made up of 35 SKUs that offer support for over 150 health conditions.
  • Highly personalized service, where NHV’s team of pet experts, which include veterinarians, registered vet tech, and nutritionist are available to our resellers to help educate their sales team.

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